Visualizing Hyperbolic Isometries
03 Aug 2020 - Tags: sage , pretty-pictures
Welcome to the inaugural post of this blog! As a quick preface, I plan to post about math, particularly math that I’m struggling with, and hopefully we can work through some stuff together ^_^.
I’ve noticed there can be a lack of examples for certain topics, and I hope to use this blog in part to catalogue some examples that I struggled to find elsewhere.
I also spend a lot of time thinking about math, and sometimes I have thoughts that I’m particularly excited about. Some of the posts here will be about those. These posts might be about research, classwork, or general observations that I want to make sure I write somewhere.
Whenever possible, I’ll try to include sage code with computational examples of whatever we’re discussing. I think sage is a fantastic resource for learning and doing mathematics, but I haven’t seen many people talking about how they actually use it in the wild. One notable example is, which is a (tragically inactive) blog that gave me the idea to put sage code in my own blog. I’m far from a sage expert, but hopefully we can learn together.
Lastly, this post is being written before the design of this website is complete. I’m able to do that because I know the phenomenal Remy Davison will make this site look great by the time you’re reading this. I’m super grateful for both his friendship and his Design Skills. Ok - onto the math.
Let’s say you’re working with Möbius Transformations and you want to
“understand what they do”. Getting visual intuition for what’s happening
seems like a great place to start!
You know that they act nicely
(i.e. by isometries) on the hyperbolic plane, but you want to actually see
the action of a particular transformation
This is the situation I found myself in, and it seems like a perfect place to start off this blog. Möbius Transformations provide a wealth of examples in hyperbolic geometry and complex analysis, and I think there should be a place to just play with them. Moreover, writing the code to actually do that isn’t particularly hard, so it lets us ease into the world of sage. We’ll start off easy:
from sage.geometry.hyperbolic_space.hyperbolic_model import moebius_transform
H2 = HyperbolicPlane().UHP() # the Upper Half Plane model
# How many (vertical) geodesics should we actually show?
# I think showing from -2 to 10 seems sensible to start, but
# if you're working with transformations that do stuff far
# from the origin you might want to change this.
l = -2
r = 10
# We should also choose how high we want our plot to be. Again,
# I chose something sensible for small examples, but you might want
# to change this depending on what you're working with.
yMin = 0
yMax = 5
# Now we start the real work:
def basicPlot(M=None, showAxes=True):
if M == None:
M = matrix([[1,0],[0,1]])
# We're going to plot geodesics (in different colors) so that we
# can follow the transformation.
# What colors should we interpolate between?
colorL = Color("#16365D") # This is a slate blue
colorR = Color("#09B811") # This is a light green
toShow = plot([])
for n in range(r-l):
color = colorL.blend(colorR, n/(r-l))
# The image of the vertical geodesic at point n
p1 = moebius_transform(M, l+n) # hit the point l+n with the transformation M
p2 = moebius_transform(M, Infinity)
g = H2.get_geodesic(p1,p2)
toShow += g.plot(color=color, axes=showAxes)
# The image of a geodesic between points n and n+1
p1 = moebius_transform(M, l+n)
p2 = moebius_transform(M, l+n+1)
g = H2.get_geodesic(p1,p2)
# We darken the color of these geodesics to distinguish them
# from the vertical ones after applying the transformation.
toShow += g.plot(color=color.darker(), axes=showAxes)
return toShow
# Finally, we'll use an interactive wrapper so that we don't have
# to manually edit this code to do stuff with the visualizer!
def _(M = input_grid(2,2, default = [[1,0],[0,1]], label='M=', to_value=matrix), axes=True):
basicPlot(matrix(M), showAxes=axes).show()
This cell is simple. It draws the geodesics from integer points on the boundary
to infinity (these are the vertical lines). It also draws geodesics connecting
adjacent integers. If you modify the matrix to
One way to make this better would be to actually animate the transformation.
The idea here will be to interpolate between the identity transformation and
As a fun mathematical aside, this works because the space of
hyperbolic isometries,
Ok, let’s actually implement this:
# If you're playing along at home, this code relies on the code from the
# previous block. So make sure to copy that as well.
def animateTransformation(M,showAxes=True):
# n is how many interpolations for the animation.
# higher numbers <--> smoother animations <--> longer computation.
# I wouldn't recommend going too high on this site, but I've found 50
# is a good number when rendering it on a dedicated computer.
n = 25
I = matrix([[1,0],[0,1]])
plots = [basicPlot(I + (i/n) * (M-I), showAxes) for i in range(n)]
# Let's actually add some extra frames of the ending position so we can
# focus on it better.
plots += [basicPlot(M, showAxes) for i in range(5)]
return animate(plots)
def _(M = input_grid(2,2, default = [[1,0],[0,1]], label='M=', to_value=matrix), axes=True):
The reason I started working on these visualizations is because I was playing with fundamental domains of Fuchsian Groups. Often you want to know how the fundamental domain gets moved around by various transformations. Additionally, there might be some points of interest whose motion you want to follow. This is the most taxing graphic of them all, but let’s add a shaded region and marked points!
def advancedPlot(M, showAxes, markedPoints, shadedRegion):
p = basicPlot(M, showAxes)
# Start by adding the marked points
colors = rainbow(len(markedPoints)) # get different colors for each pt
def mkPoint(i):
p = markedPoints[i]
new_pt = moebius_transform(M,p)
# make the point big, add a legend saying where it started, and make sure
# it ends up _above_ the shading (that's what zorder is for)
return point(CC(new_pt), size=50, legend_label=p, color=colors[i], zorder=2)
marked = sum([mkPoint(i) for i in range(len(markedPoints))])
# Next we shade the region which was mapped to by the given region.
# That's another way of saying that a point p should be shaded whenever
# M^{-1}(p) was in the region. This turns out to be slightly easier to
# implement.
x,y = var('x,y')
Mi = M.inverse()
ptOld = moebius_transform(Mi,x+I*y)
(xOld, yOld) = (ptOld.real_part(), ptOld.imag_part())
# Substitute the preimage of (x,y) into the inequality
newRegion = [ineq.subs(x=xOld, y=yOld) for ineq in shadedRegion]
# Now for the expensive bit. You can change "plot_points" to a smaller
# value to make the computation more efficient, but you lose out on
# how precise the shading looks surprisingly quickly. Alternatively,
# if you're running this locally and your region doesn't look quite right,
# you can bump it a little to get some more definition.
shaded = region_plot(newRegion, (x,l,r), (y,yMin,yMax), incol='lightblue', bordercol='gray', plot_points=100)
# actually draw the figure
return p + marked + shaded
def _(M = input_grid(2,2, default = [[5,-4],[1,3]], label='M=', to_value=matrix),
markedPoints=input_box([1,2+I], width=20, label='Marked Points'),
shadedRegion=input_box([0 < x, x < 1], width=20, label='Shaded Region'),
# This is much more expensive, so actually animating it is out of the question.
# It's a pretty easy exercise to combine this code with the previous cell
# to make an animated version locally, though ^_^
advancedPlot(M, showAxes, markedPoints, shadedRegion).show()