Talk - Why Think -- Letting Computers do Math for Us
23 Jan 2021 - Tags: my-talks
Yesterday I gave my second talk at the Graduate Student Seminar at UCR. I decided to talk about something near and dear to me, a topic which first got me interested in logic: decidability. The idea of decidability is to look for theories which are simple enough to admit a computer program (called a decider) which can tell you whether or not a given sentence is true.
I was first introduced to the decidability of certain logics in Computational Discrete Math (CDM) which was the class where I met my advisor Klaus Sutner. I’m lazy at times, and so the idea of a decidable logic was really exciting. I wanted to know as much as I could so that, one day, I would be able to answer a tricky question by asking a computer!
Of course, now I realize that a lot of the time it’s faster to just solve the problem yourself than ask a decider (particularly if you have to write the decider yourself…) but the interest has stuck with me. I think it’s a super cool topic, and I was really pleased to get a chance to talk at length about it!
There are a ton of decidability results in logic, but only an hour in a talk. Also, a lot of the techniques for proving decidability are somewhat technical. This made drafting the talk a little bit tricky, particularly since I was speaking to a room of non-logicians. The best bet, I thought, was to try and survey a few powerful techniques (completeness and automaticity) and give a high level description of how the proofs go. Then I ended with a discussion of some negative results, and a tangent on the resolution of Hilbert’s 10th Problem. It’s not directly related, but Matiyasevich’s Theorem was my favorite theorem for a while, and the material was so nearby that I couldn’t resist including it!
All in all, I think the talk went quite well ^_^. Klaus is (among other things) an Automata Theorist, and working closely with him for a few years made me love automata too. I was happy to get to share some of that enthusiasm with people, even if I had to gloss over some details. Plus, I’m really proud of the example computation done on an automaton. I made it with Evan Wallace’s FSM Maker and then tweaked the tikz slide by slide to do the animation. Normally I would draw the machine on a blackboard and point at the current state, but I think the colors served as a nice substitute for a talk with slides.
I had someone ask me how the automatic structure is useful in deciding a theory, and in hindsight I should have included a slide on that. I’m glad they asked, though, because it gave me a chance to describe it verbally. That’s a really obvious oversight, and I’m a bit upset that people who only download the slides won’t get a chance to see an overview of that proof. Maybe I’ll write it up in a blog post one day and include a simple example…
As for the other material, it’s always harder to tell over zoom,
but I think people followed the talk fairly well.
The section on completeness was necessarily a bit technical, and I’m
almost certain I lost some people in the proof that
As one last regret for the road, someone asked where people are studying these questions. I threw out Cornell and UIUC as guesses, but in hindsight I don’t think I made it clear that I don’t actually know for certain that people there are working on this stuff. I said that in any good logic department you’ll have people interested in these things, and that’s true, but I don’t actually know if there’s anyone explicitly doing work in this area. Also, I should have probably plugged CMU…
As always, the abstract and slides are below. Plus a link to a youtube video1 with a recording of the talk.
Why Think? Letting Computers Do Math For Us
There are a number of results in logic of the form “If your question can be asked a certain way, then there is an algorithm which tells you the answer”. These are called Decidability Theorems, because an algorithm can Decide if a proposition is true or false. In this talk we will survey some results in this area, discuss a few techniques for proving these results, and discuss some open problems are only a few computer cycles away from being solved.
The talk slides are here. There’s at least one minor typo (I say Łoś-Tarski at one point when I mean Łoś-Vaught)
A recording of the talk is embedded below.
Unrelated, but I just got my first subscriber and commenter! It’s cool to see at least one person care about what I say enough to ask a question in the comments. And even though youtube subscriptions are free (which is definitely a good thing given my youtube habit…) it’s still exciting that someone (who I don’t know!) subbed ^_^ ↩