Measure Theory and Differentiation (Part 1)
21 Feb 2021 - Tags: measure-theory-and-differentiation , analysis-qual-prep
So I had an analysis exam yesterday last week a while ago
(this post took a bit of time to finish writing). It roughly covered the material in
chapter 3 of Folland’s “Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications”.
I’m decently comfortable with the material, but a lot of it has always felt
kind of unmotivated. For example, why is the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem
called that? It doesn’t look like a derivative… At least not at first glance.
A big part of my studying process is fitting together the various theorems into a coherent narrative. It doesn’t have to be linear (in fact, it typically isn’t!), but it should feel like the theorems share some purpose, and fit together neatly. I also struggle to care about theorems before I know what they do. This is part of why I care so much about examples – it’s nice to know what problems a given theorem solves.
After a fair amount of reading and thinking1, I think I’ve finally fit the puzzle pieces together in a way that works for me. Since I wrote it all down for myself as part of my studying, I figured I would post it here as well in case other people find it useful. Keep in mind this is probably obvious to anyone with an analytic mind, but it certainly wasn’t obvious to me!
Let’s get started!
To start, we need to remember how to relate functions and measures. Everything
we say here will be in
Moreover, given any regular borel measure
is increasing and right continuous.
This is more or less the content of the Carathéodory Extension Theorem.
It’s worth taking a second to think where we use the assumptions on
This is not a big deal, though. A monotone function is automatically continuous except at a countable set (see here for a proof) and at its countably many discontinuities, we can force right-continuity by defining
which agrees with
It turns out that Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures are extremely concrete, and
a lot of this post is going to talk about computing with them2. After all,
it’s entirely unclear which (if any!) techniques from a calculus class carry
over when we try to actually integrate against some
Given a positive, locally
Moreover, if
The locally
Something is missing from the above theorem, though.
We know sending
Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym Theorem
Every measure
for some measure
Moreover, we can recover
for almost every
People often write
In the case
The converse needs a ~bonus condition~. In order to say
As an exercise, do you see why this condition is necessary? If
In the case of Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures, Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym buys us
something almost magical. For almost every
Now we see why we might call this
In fact, we can push this even further! Let’s take a look at the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem
For almost every
Why is this called the differentiation theorem?
Let’s look at
So this is giving us part of the fundamental theorem of calculus4! This theorem
(in the case of Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures) says exactly that (for almost every
Let’s take a moment to summarize the relationships we’ve seen. Then we’ll use these relationships to actually compute with Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals.
By considering
we see functions of the first kind are antiderivatives of functions of the second kind. -
By considering
, we see functions of the second kind are (almost everywhere) derivatives of functions of the first kind. -
almost everywhere. -
almost everywhere.
Why should we care about these theorems? Well, Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals
arise fairly regularly in the wild, and these theorems let us actually
compute them! It’s easy to integrate against
Then this buys us the (very memorable) formula:
and now we’re integrating against lebesgue measure, and all our years of calculus experience is applicable!
Of course, I’ve left out an important detail: Whatever happened to that
Let’s write
Recall our interpretation of this function:
Indeed, we see that
It’s finally computation time! Since we know
Let’s start with a continuous example. Say
Say we want to compute
We can compute
But both of these are integrals against lebesgue measure
That wasn’t so bad, right?
Let’s see another, slightly trickier one. Let’s look at
You should think through the intuition for what
In the previous example,
Let’s start with the places
We can also see the point
So to compute
we can handle the
We know how to handle dirac measures:
And we also know how to handle “classical” integrals:
So all together, we get
As an exercise, say
Can you intuitively see how
Can you compute
As another exercise, can you intuit how
What is
Ok, I hear you saying. There’s a really tight connection between
increasing (right-)continuous functions
But doesn’t this feel restrictive? There are lots of functions
Of course, to talk about more general functions
This post is getting pretty long, though, so we’ll talk about the signed case in a (much shorter, hopefully) part 2!
I was mainly reading Folland (Ch. 3), since it’s the book for the course. I’ve also been spending time with Terry Tao’s lecture notes on the subject (see here, and here), as well as this PDF from Eugenia Malinnikova’s measure theory course at Stanford. I read parts of Axler’s new book, and while I meant to read some of Royden too, I didn’t get around to it. ↩
As an aside, I really can’t recommend Carter and van Brunt’s “The Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integral: A Practical Introduction” enough. It spends a lot of time on concrete examples of computation, which is exactly what many measure theory courses are regrettably missing. Chapter 6 in particular is great for this, but the whole book is excellent. ↩
We can actually relax this from balls
to a family that “shrinks nicely” to , though it’s still a bit unclear to me what that means and what it buys us. It seems like one important feature is that the don’t have to contain itself. It’s enough to take up a (uniformly) positive fraction of space near . ↩ -
There’s another way of viewing this theorem which is quite nice. I think I saw it on Terry Tao’s blog, but now that I’m looking for it I can’t find it… Regardless, once we put on our nullset goggles, we can no longer evaluate functions. After all, for any particular point of interest, I can change the value of my function there without changing its equivalence class modulo nullsets. However, even with our nullset goggles on, the integral
is well defined! So for almost every , we can “evaluate” through this (rather roundabout) approach. The benefit is that this notion of evaluation does not depend on your choice of representative! ↩ -
In no small part because I’m not sure how you would actually integrate against a singular continuous measure in the wild… ↩