How many symbols can have if has symbols?
10 May 2022
The other day SMBC put up a lovely comic which did a great job nerdsniping me. I knew that I wanted to try to solve it as soon as I saw it, but I didn’t have the time for a little while (it’s midterm season and I had grading to do). It’s a cute problem, and I want to share my solution with all of you! First, here’s the comic that started it all:
Now, my old advisor (Klaus Sutner) used to say that whenever you’re faced with a
problem, you can hack or you can think, but you can’t do both. Today
Multiple weeks ago I was in more
of a hacking mood, so I wrote up some haskell code to just try all the
“reasonable” functions I could think of. By this, of course, I mean the
elementary functions.
There’s an obvious recursive way to build up the elementary functions (which you should think of as those functions which might show up in a calculus class):
should probably be a function, as should the constants- If
has previously been defined, , etc. should be functions - If
and have previously been defined, , etc. should be functions
We can formalize this with a datatype1
data Expr = Const Rational
| X
| Square Expr
| Sqrt Expr
| Sin Expr
| Cos Expr
| Tan Expr
| ASin Expr
| ACos Expr
| ATan Expr
| Sinh Expr
| Cosh Expr
| Tanh Expr
| ASinh Expr
| ACosh Expr
| ATanh Expr
| Exp Expr
| Log Expr
| Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr
| Mult Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
| Pow Expr Expr
deriving (Show, Eq)
Obviously this list, while exhausting the elementary functions, is
still somewhat arbitrary.
For instance, Const
and Pow
similarly arbitrary.
I went for this list basically because it’s what the wikipedia article names explicitly. Later on we’ll show that our solution doesn’t depend on the exact list chosen, so we don’t need to worry about this.
Next up, we need to tell haskell how to compute the derivative of a function. Thankfully, derivatives can be computed recursively, so this is quite easy to code up:
diff :: Expr -> Expr
diff (Const n) = Const 0
diff X = Const 1
diff (Square e) = Mult (Mult (Const 2) e) (diff e)
diff (Sqrt e) = Div (diff e) (Mult (Const 2) (Sqrt e))
diff (Sin e) = Mult (Cos e) (diff e)
diff (Cos e) = Mult (Const (-1)) (Mult (Sin e) (diff e))
diff (Tan e) = Mult (Add (Const 1) (Square (Tan e))) (diff e)
diff (ASin e) = Div (diff e) (Sqrt (Sub (Const 1) (Square e)))
diff (ACos e) = Div (Mult (Const (-1)) (diff e)) (Sqrt (Sub (Const 1) (Square e)))
diff (ATan e) = Div (diff e) (Add (Const 1) (Square e))
diff (Sinh e) = Mult (Cosh e) (diff e)
diff (Cosh e) = Mult (Sinh e) (diff e)
diff (Tanh e) = Mult (Sub (Const 1) (Square (Tanh e))) (diff e)
diff (ASinh e) = Div (diff e) (Sqrt (Add (Const 1) (Square e)))
diff (ACosh e) = Div (diff e) (Sqrt (Sub (Square e) (Const 1)))
diff (ATanh e) = Mult (Square (Cosh e)) (diff e)
diff (Exp e) = Mult (Exp e) (diff e)
diff (Log e) = Div (diff e) e
diff (Add e1 e2) = Add (diff e1) (diff e2)
diff (Sub e1 e2) = Sub (diff e1) (diff e2)
diff (Mult e1 e2) = Add (Mult (diff e1) e2) (Mult e1 (diff e2))
diff (Div e1 e2) = Div (Sub (Mult e2 (diff e1)) (Mult e1 (diff e2))) (Square e2)
diff (Pow e1 e2) = Mult (Pow e1 e2) (Add (Mult (Log e1) (diff e2)) (Div (Mult e2 (diff e1)) (e1)))
This isn’t perfect. For instance, it doesn’t simplify multiplication by
As a (fun?) exercise, write a prune
function which makes some easy
simplifications after differentiating. Does that change which functions
grow the most in complexity?
Next, we need a way to figure out how many symbols are in a given expression. This is also easy to implement:
size :: Expr -> Int
size (Const n) = 1
size X = 1
size (Square e) = 1 + size e
size (Sqrt e) = 1 + size e
size (Sin e) = 1 + size e
size (Cos e) = 1 + size e
size (Tan e) = 1 + size e
size (ASin e) = 1 + size e
size (ACos e) = 1 + size e
size (ATan e) = 1 + size e
size (Sinh e) = 1 + size e
size (Cosh e) = 1 + size e
size (Tanh e) = 1 + size e
size (ASinh e) = 1 + size e
size (ACosh e) = 1 + size e
size (ATanh e) = 1 + size e
size (Exp e) = 1 + size e
size (Log e) = 1 + size e
size (Add e1 e2) = 1 + size e1 + size e2
size (Sub e1 e2) = 1 + size e1 + size e2
size (Mult e1 e2) = 1 + size e1 + size e2
size (Div e1 e2) = 1 + size e1 + size e2
size (Pow e1 e2) = 1 + size e1 + size e2
Lastly, we need a way to build up every expression with
build :: Int -> [Expr]
build 1 = [X]
build n =
[comb e | comb <- unary, e <- (build (n-1))] ++
[comb e1 e2 | comb <- binary, e1 <- (build (n-1)), e2 <- build((n-1))] ++
(build (n-1))
unary = [Square, Sqrt,
Sin, Cos, Tan, ASin, ACos, ATan,
Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, ASinh, ACosh, ATanh, Exp, Log]
binary = [Add, Sub, Mult, Div, Pow]
-- compute the largest size of diff e as e ranges over exprs of size n
b :: Int -> [Expr] -> (Int, Expr)
b n = maximumBy cmp . fmap (\e -> (size (diff e), e)) . filter (\e -> size e == n)
cmp (s1,_) (s2,_) = compare s1 s2
Now, my laptop can fully exhaust every function with
, whose derivative has symbol , whose derivative has symbols , whose derivative has symbols , whose derivative has symbols
(note that the innermost
Moreover, it’s pretty easy to see that we’ll never use a unary function
other than size f
it’s easy to see that
More generally,
This is fairly good evidence that repeatedly composing
So, in light of our computational evidence, we might conjecture that
At this point, it’s time to stop hacking, and start thinking! Let’s try to
prove that this is the best option. Notice we can easily compute
We’ll induct on
If it’s unary, say
If instead the outermost constructor of
In each of these cases we compute
Clearly these are maximized for
So we want this to be
Aaaaaand…. ruh roh!
You can see by this desmos graph that this fails in general.
Indeed, the earliest failure happens when
This is a perfect example of Klaus’s “Magic Spiral”, which he shows in the first CDM lecture every year.
In this particular situation, there wasn’t a ton to visualize, so we jumped
straight from “compute/experiment” to “conjecture”. Indeed, our computations
seemed to suggest that iterating
This is ok, though! Good, even, because our failure is instructive! We know where our proof failed, and this tells us where we should focus our computational effort on our next trip around the spiral.
Indeed, knowing that
we want
and indeed, haskell tells us that
Now with Pow
and ACos
to worry about, it’s much less clear what the
optimal function will be. After all, we’ll need to balance the two, and I don’t
have the processing power to do an exhaustive search of
Thankfully, this problem still admits an asymptotic solution, and our earlier proof attempt is easily adapted to this setting.
Now, the most important skill a mathematician should learn is how to cover their tracks7. So when presenting a result like this to journals, we should never say that we’re presenting an asymptotic solution because we didn’t have the time to get a closed form.
Instead, we should argue that the choice of constructors for the elementary
functions was arbitrary, and any closed form for the maximal size of
Of course, one can show that the asymptotics of
… sounds good, doesn’t it8?
Now let’s prove it!
Moreover, our proof shows that this is independent of the choice of presentation of the elementary functions.
Again, we induct on
Since we’re only interested in asymptotics, there’s nothing interesting to prove about the base case.
For the inductive case, we case on the outermost constructor of
If it’s unary, say
where the
Next we see that
If instead the outermost constructor is binary, say
and since
and the claim follows.
As for the tightness of this bound, any presentation of the elementary
functions must have at least one trig function (since we cannot build
the trig functions from the others), say
So we see that the precise question posed in the comic has no answer!
It asks for the maximal ratio of
Moreover, this was a good way to showcase the back and forth between computational experimentation and proof. Sometimes you get things wrong, and that’s ok! We learn, and we form new conjectures that are more likely to be correct with every trip around the spiral.
As a cute project idea, while I was writing this one of my friends (Rahul) sent me a blog post where Iago Leal de Freitas built a calculus evaluator in haskell that does simplification properly!
A better hacker than me can probably modify this code to push things a bit
further (especially with some parallel computation) to try and find
a family of functions
This should be a pretty approachable problem for an enthusiastic combinatorics student, and I would love to see somebody do it ^_^
This was a lot of fun! It’s been in the works for a while now (since April 28, apparently), but I really only worked on it for a few days. I’m busy working on a lot of other stuff11, and I’ll hopefully share some of it soon.
One of the biggest things I’ve been spending time on (which probably also qualifies as an announcement) has been the HoTTEST Summer 2022, where I’ll be TAing this summer. I’m already pretty active answering questions in the discord, and I’ve been brushing up on my HoTT to get ready12. I can not express how excited I am to be working on this, and if anybody wants to show up, you’re more than welcome! We’re quickly coming up on 1000 participants (of all experience levels), and it’s sure to be a great time!
For now, though, I’m off to bed. Goodnight all, and I’ll see you in the next one ^_^
Incidentally, this is why I chose haskell instead of sage. Python really doesn’t handle algebraic datatypes with any sort of alacrity, and I wanted to exploit the recursive structure of the problem.
Plus, it’s been a hot second since I got to use haskell, and it’s one of my favorite languages to work in, so I didn’t spend very long on the decision :P. ↩
Namely as
Div (Const 1) (Cos X)
↩ -
… and regrettably I failed in that regard. ↩
Up to an additive constant, at least. If you want to be super precise, then
size $ diff $ C e = size e + size (diff e) + size (C X) - 2
is true for every unary constructorC
. ↩ -
Of course, we could simply remove
as a constructor, since we can simulate it usingExp
. It’s not hard to show that the other binary operations will let this proof go through, so we could have “covered our tracks” by acting like we never even consideredPow
!I thought it would make for a better narrative (and it might be more instructive) to go the asymptotic approach instead. Plus, it really is more hygenic to prove a result that doesn’t depend on a particular choice of “basic” constructors. ↩
Looking at the formulas, we can tell that eventually
will win out overACos
, and it probably wouldn’t take too much work to sort this out…Maybe some reader with some free time wants to take this on as a project? ↩
I’m only half joking ↩
It helps that this is actually a perfectly reasonable thing to do, and jokes aside my original plan was to get asymptotics for exactly this reason (also because I anticipated that an exact solution might be hard to get).
I thought we had gotten lucky with the iterated
construction, and if you can get a closed form, you might as well. But with those dreams dashed, it’s back to the asymptotics at the end of the day. ↩ -
For example, we might choose to represent the derivative of
by , in which case would refer to twice.I haven’t actually thought much about how badly things break if you do something silly like this, but take it to an extreme (can we find a way to make it so that there’s no uniform bound on this constant?), but I’m also ok to leave that particular avenue unexplored.
Officially I should probably add some hypotheses explicitly forbidding this – for instance, it should be enough to ask that we allow at most finitely many constructors. That said, I think it’s ok to leave this a bit imprecise for the purposes of a blog post. ↩
You might worry that there is no largest unary constructor. But the only infinite families of constructors (at least that are listed on wikipedia) are the rational powers and the bases for
and .It’s clear, though, that the contributions of each of these derivatives can be uniformly bounded as long as we’re counting a constant as a single symbol. ↩
I’m reading a series of papers on model categories with Sarah Yeakel (who recently got a permanent position at UCR!), as well as continuing my own readings on topos theory (which have filtered into a reading course on locale theory that I’m teaching some undergrads). I’m also in a class on riemann surfaces which has been really enlightening for me. I have a few ideas for blog posts of the “I wish someone had shown me this example sooner” variety, and hopefully I can get to them soon!
On top of all this, I’ve been talking with Patricio Gallardo about becoming an algebraic geometer, and he wants me to start spending a serious amount of time working through Hartshorne and Vakil’s notes. This makes sense, of course, and I’m having a ton of fun doing it, but it means I have less time to work on silly projects like this. ↩
Plus trying to gain some serious familiarity with model categories and
-categories before we start. This lined up quite nicely with my conversations with Sarah about model categories. Sometimes you just get lucky! ↩