Life in Johnstone's Topological Topos 2 -- Topological Algebras
03 Jul 2024 - Tags: life-in-the-topological-topos , topos-theory
In the first post, we introduced Johnstone’s topological topos
In this post, we’ll talk about how that works in the special case of algebraic gadgets, like groups, rings, etc., and use this to prove some interesting theorems about topological groups!
Recall Lawvere’s notion of Functorial Semantics. An Algebraic Theory is presented by some function symbols and equational axioms (we allow constant symbols as 0-ary functions), and this is probably best given through a “definition by examples”.
The usual presentation of the theory of groups is
A set
satisfying the equational axioms
Notice that the theory of posets is not algebraic1 and indeed
the usual presentation involves a relation symbol
However, these presentations by functions and equational axioms should really be thought of as presentations. There are superficially quite different presentations which still present the same theory. For instance, here is another presentation of the theory of groups3:
A set
satisfying the equational axiom
With this in mind it’s natural to want an abstract characterization of
an algebraic theory, that is independent of the choice of presentation.
In his PhD thesis, Lawvere set this in motion by showing that for any
algebraic theory
If we have a good understanding of
Important for us is the related result that models of
So, for example, a topological group is the same data is a finite product
This is what’s going to give us the ability to relate algebras
First, say we have a group object in
which is a group object in
Conversely, say we have a sequential topological group. Then the
In fact, the adjunction
So the category of sequential topological groups is a reflective
subcategory of the category of groups in
There’s nothing special about groups here, and so we learn that
for any algebraic theory, the category of sequential models
is a reflective subcategory of the category of models in
This is all kind of abstract right now, so let’s do a very down-to-earth example:
With this in mind, a subgroup of
Now here’s a typical (very easy!) theorem/construction:
This is a subgroup containing
Notice that this proof is constructive in the sense that it doesn’t use
LEM or Choice5. In particular, this proof works in every topos, and
thus in
But what does this exceptionally simple proof tell us about topological groups? Well subsets and subgroups are continuous injections, so this tells us that6
factors through is initial with this property
We can actually build such an
In case
Now, it’s entirely possible that you would have come up with such a theorem
yourself. After all, a moment’s thought shows that
The utility of the topos theoretic language is in doing more complicated constructions, where we’re still allowed to manipulate everything as though they’re sets, and we can be safe in the knowledge that, at the end of the day, we can cash out our theorem for one about topological spaces! It frees us from the burden of carrying around topologies all the time.
For a more complicated example, one can show that the category of
abelian groups in a (grothendieck) topos is always AB5. In particular,
the category of abelian groups in
This is one of the big motivations for Condensed Mathematics.
Indeed, in
In fact, we can compute the cokernel as the coequalizer of the inclusion
map and the constant
where one map is just the inclusion, and the other sends every eventually constant
sequence to the constant
So the cokernel has a single point
Keeping track of these proofs (which themselves form an abelian group)
is exactly what we need to do to algebraically detect that
As an aside, I don’t understand condensed mathematics well enough to
know how it differs from math in the topological topos. Just looking at
definitions, I know it’s based on test maps from all compact hausdorff spaces
instead of test maps from only
Alright, I told you this one was going to be more leisurely than the last one!
Now that we’ve seen some applications of
You can show this with categorical techniques. For instance, the category of models of any algebraic theory is always regular, while the category of posets isn’t ↩
The category of models for any algebraic theory always has an initial object, yet the category of fields doesn’t! ↩
See McCune’s Single Axioms for Groups and Abelian Groups with Various Operations.
This operaetion is related to the “usual” operations by
. ↩ -
Remember, though, that the product on
is different from the product on . This never matters in practice, and the product agrees with the product in the “convenient category” of compactly generated spaces, but if you want an honest group object in , you’ll want to be locally compact. ↩ -
It’s not predicative, but that’s fine for a topos. And regardless, if you know enough to complain about predicativity, you know enough to give a predicative version of this proof :P. ↩
Indeed, it says something slightly stronger than this! In the case of non (sequentially) hausdorff spaces, there might be extra subsets that are merely kuratowski limit spaces! The theorem says we’re actually allowed to take
to be such a subspace as well! ↩ -
The diligent reader will note there are a proper class of such arrows, so this pullback as written isn’t defined. Of course, the domain of any such arrow has at most
many elements, and there’s only a set worth of topologies we can put on one of these domains. So up to isomorphism there’s only a set worth of arrows, and we’re good to go! ↩ -
Peter Scholze actually says a few words about why condensed sets are easier to work with than objects of
in a comment to his answer to this MO question. I still don’t really see it, but that’s probably because I haven’t spent a lot of time (or any time) working with condensed sets. ↩